Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Samantha

              Samantha Evans and baby she delivered
Samantha is my granddaughter, the daughter of my third daughter, Lenora. Samantha has always been a very smart girl.  Always loved to read, when she learned how to read she always read more books than any one in her classes.  She finished high school  in the top  five and College also.   She already had one degree behind her when she decided to go to the State of Washington to become a nurse and midwife.  She moved back to Texas to practise.   I hope Samantha well in her chosen field.   The baby in the picture does not seem happy.
Samantha and sister Jen
Hope you have had a great and will have a great night love Grandmother.   Hope you have enjoyed meeting another one of my granddaughters.  Thank you for watching  my garden grow and bloom and will grow one of your own.  Happy gardening to you from me. Juanita.
Wish I could send it to you.